Thursday, February 17, 2005

Draw Me A River

Up up and away...

Due to too many lines marring the original idea of what it was really first about, I decided, 'Heh, screw it; I'll wing it!'

. And so I pay with the unwanted results. Sigh.

This...this is proof of some bad quality scanning. Boo. Boo, me.

There. Non-sensical crap. Ha.

- -

And nowww....for a...thing that will surely get me into deep shit

a) A rough draft --very rough draft-- of...some..thing...goin..on...

(..damn. . I have found the ability to make my biology lectures suddenly seem very..uh, interesting :D :$..

..She's getting it on!!

..This is heresy. That's it. I'm burning in Hell.
...Has that ever stopped me before? ..I'll finish it later. Definitely 8). )

And now for some regular, useless drafts of something else:


I apologize for the mess. It' naturale, tho'.

..SALU, 'Sela!!

- - -

Agh. On another note, I'm dying here. Medicine has no effect on me. And my goddamned nose is about to fall off (I'd appreciate it). Wagh. I want to die. This is not how you're supposed to spend a four-day weekend. No, sirrrrr-eee. Augh.

I think I'll fall down and die now. Ugh.

Monday, February 14, 2005


..Maybe not.

Ze virdy died.

...Requiescat in Pace, Vato.

And my granma left. Finally. I'm free. Whoo-hoo.

Sorry. I'm feeling like...well, yes, like shit. And today's well...gonna be a long, long day.


..I'm ready.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ze Vird Iz MINE

..Soy una chingona. Deveras.


A few hours ago...I caught a little parrot.

Me levanté...tarde, por primera vez en un laaaaaargo tiempo. 10:00 a.m. Lujo. Cuando disponía a hacer la tarea de Matemáticas (dolor de cabeza asegurado por horas..), llego con mis jefes, y me dicen, Hey, hay un perico allá afuera. So, ¿qué significa..?

1.- "Aaaaay...Mira, está haciendo frío y está lloviendo.."


2.- "Híjole..Ya lleva mucho rato ahí...Ha de tener hambre..."


3.- "Si lo pudieramos agarrar..."


Sigh. "Aaalright. I get it. Voy a tratar de agarrarlo."

Todos: :D

..Damn. Right into a trap.

Me hice de una toalla y me persigné (no quería fallar y aventarlo desde un tercer piso..), y sobre de él.

Del barandal, cuando ya lo tenía a medio metro de mí, se voló al techo, so...

...guess what happens next?

Mi papá fue por la escalera, y la acomodó pegada al techo. Me voltearon a ver y me sonrieron. So...

Allá voy.

(..Why the big fuss? I'm freekin, deathly afraid of heights. ..What? You didn't know? Well, they did.)

Finalmente, me trepo al ..cuarto piso, y lloviendo, me preparo para dar un chingadazo de esos de los que no se olvidan. A gatas, me le acerco, y se me queda viendo. Cuando ya estaba solamente a seis pies de él....

Voló, el hijo de su re-ching*** madre.

Se paseó un poco, y fue a dar en una palmera baja en la casa del vecino. Van mi pá y mi má, según ellos a ver si lo pueden agarrar, y yo me las ideo para bajar, con vida, del techo mientras.

Regresan con su jeta (:(). No birdy.

Cuando iba hacia adentro, empapada, escuché...

yes, you guessed it.

The bird. Detrás de mí. Mocking me, the bastard.

Mi padre iba con la toalla a tratar de knockearlo (jajajajaja, creyendo que sobreviviría algo así??). Lo detuve y le dije, I'll get 'im. Era personal, ya.

Agarré una jaula pequeña, vieja, y puse un vaso con semillas de girasol adentro. Por las buenas, una sola vez, pajarito.

Le valió madres.

Me fui, desayuné, escuché música por una hora...y me asomé, y el pendejo mojándose. MUAJAJAJAJA!!! Se me quedaron viendo. "That's not funny, you know." Damn. There I go again.

Le llegué por detrás (jetonsísimo, el compañero), y no se dio cuenta. Cuando ya lo iba a dio cus-cus :$. Si se despertaba, me mordería.

So, regreso en chinga por una camiseta o algo, cualquier cosa, y me avientan dos toallitas pa' las tortillas. One in each hand, me lanzo. Me regreso y le digo a mi pá, riéndome, "Hey, you wanna see how I catch him? :D" and he goes, "How?" y le indico que vea por la ventana de su cuarto. Me largo, y...


..Never knew what hit 'im.

Lo meto a la casa y se lo doy a mi má, sintiéndome la chingona. Lo limpian, le sirven agua y comida, lo revisan, todo..

Má: "Hey, mira, ven a acariciarle el pico. ¡Qué bonito lo tiene! :)"

So, ahi voy.

..Safe to say, tuve un lapso de mentalus stupidus.

The m*thaf*cka bit me.

Anyway, screamin my head off, shaking my hand in the air, cursing the goddamned bird, sigo siendo la chingona. And I named him.


So, Vato, bienvenido al Gonzalez Clan. Junto con Fofo, Fofi, Güera, Pupi Pendejo, the whole gang.

That bird almost cost me a finger. Bitch.

Friday, February 11, 2005

..End of the We(a)k.

Damn. I'm drained.

I'm pooped, people. I'm drained, on all counts. Except physically, maybe. It sucks. It blows. It's not something I'm enjoying.


Monday, February 07, 2005




Saturday, February 05, 2005

The Day After...Yesterday

...The allergies recede. Narf!

Woop woop. The Allergy Gods are. . .gone (don't say it out loud; they might hear you).

..Y..eah. That was quite a trip. Seems that in order for me to be purged of the 'Runny Nose', 'Delirium', and 'Headache' Demons, I had to survive a hell of a nightmare first..

. . .with...shadows, um..

..yeah. It was awesome. Awful, I mean.

- - -

Gwah. People are sensitive. Females, 'specially. Goes double for exceedingly pious males.

Note to you: If you don't want to know about certain..details...'specially on a religious subject. . .


- - -

My gramma was becoming too attached to me. She was getting all clingy, and smothery, and preachy, and know? Got to a point where I excused myself from getting near her by rubbing my eyes, coughing, and groaning a lot, explaining that I thought I had the symptoms for the flu (jajaja, for TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT!!); at first she ignored my ramblings and said it was fine, said she didn't mind.. I had to go that extra mile.


..She stepped back, stepped down, as expected.

. . .And stay there.

(I hear Hell's crowded these days. That's why I'm not so worried.)

Mood: Feeling a-fucking-o.k.

Wahaha. That was fun. What? She didn't listen before.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Ze Bitch Awakenz..

. . woah!! o_Ou

My God. I mean, really. What-is-up with me today?

Let's go back to the beginning of my day, 5:30 a.m. (ah. shit. I see where problem lies..):

5:35 a.m. --> Drag my ass out of bed.

5:40 a.m. --> Hit the shower.

5:58 a.m. --> Take care of my hair.

6:00 a.m. --> (...didn't take long, did it?) Nag Alan's ear off until he gets out of the house. Take car out. Leave.

6:09 a.m. --> Return back home for backpack.

6:18 a.m. --> Hit the road.

6:23 a.m. --> Pick up Alex.

6:38 a.m. --> Drop Alan off.

6:41 a.m. --> Wait in line at the border.

. . . - . - . - . . .

7:00 a.m. --> Still waiting. . .

7:15 a.m. --> Cross border.

7:16 a.m. --> Wait for Alex.

7:24 a.m. --> . . .Still waiting on Alex.

7: 28 a.m. --> See Alex. Try to not run him over by "accident".

7:41 a.m. --> Arrive at school. Do a shitload of homework.


Bitchy, whine, nag, rant.

Ah, I see.

I have an attitude problem.

But I thought the world already knew.

Ah, well. Now you do.

Wow. I feel...relieved.

Actually, I feel homicidal. Huh. Interesting.

- - -
I need to sleep. A lot. This is not good. Allergies are getting worse. Blow me, Sinuses!!!!!

Oh. I almost forgot. Hey:

Mood: Bitchy. In a good sense.

Another One...

Bites the dust. . . ?

Agh. My allergies are absolutely killing me. Curse you, you nasty pollen! And damn you, you stupid smog! And you, all the other blasted aerosols in the atmosphere!


..There. That oughta clear up my sinuses a bit.

- - -

So many things to do, so little time.. and no motivation whatsoever to proceed. Ah, yes...My true calling is to procrastinate.

On a good note, I found my Passport!! Yay!! I mean, in two weeks, it would've been a year since I last had it in my posession!! Woop woop!! (. .I will not reveal where I found it. 'Twas embarrassing enough for me.)

...And..didn't do a damn thing about all that homework...and I ain't gonna start soon, either.

..Kidding, Mrs. Pollock. I'll get my ass right into gear :(.

HA!! Found a lot of missing stuff, yesterday. It's impressive. My room, my whole room, is like a friggin' time capsule.


Hosted by
- Vhat iz zis blazted contraption do?!
- [*sigh*] You take pictures with it, sir.
- Picshurz? Vhy vould I vant to take a picshur? Vhat vould I take picshurz of??
- I don't know, sir. Family? Friends? A girlfriend?
- [thinking...] Yez...yez...I zee...I've juzt ze perzon in mind.....Mwahahahaha !!...
- [*sigh*]
- Now, how doez ziz ztupid mazchine vork?
- Well, sir, you point it at the person you want to take a picture of, then you press this button here...
- Ziz one?
- Yes, that one, and--Wait, sir! Please wait a mom--
- [flash] Agh, my eyez!! You'vez blinded me!! Agh!! Damn you to Hell! Damn you to Hell and back!! Anata ga baka yo!! Kuso, baka yo!! [and it just gets worse from there on...]

Mood: Irritable. But easily amused. Then irritable again.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

dun dun duuuuunnn...

(dull dull duuuuull. . . . )

Damn. Damn.


Today's one of those days when I have the unpleasant sensation of being watched. And I have a lot of homework to do, and not much patience or concentration to do it with.

. . .'s gonna be a loooong day.

- I'm worried, G. I hear voices inside my head, and the shadows in my room move around.
- Ah. That's 'paranoia'.
- No, G. I. . .I. . .feel them doing. .strange. . .awful, awful things to me in the dark.
- . . . .'Fita?
- Yes?
- . . .You are fucked up.

Mood: Worried. About...stuff. And kinda sleepy.



...Nothing, was there? o_O

Ok, let me begin by transplanting a dead 'blogging' from somewhere else (Why? 'Cuz I liked it, that's why..) :

- - - - -
Spam for the Soul

Monday, April 26th, 2004
12:44 pm

cha cha cha chaaaaaan...

Coincidence...or evil plan in progress? o_O

Stay tuned to find out more, next time, on...
- - - - -

Well, that's where it stops. "On...'Rant of a Genius'," that's what it said (a vain--not narcissistic--megalomaniac....yes, that is me v_v...). It also said I was "amused" (mood). Hm... Wonder how that came to pass. Was listening to "Heel Over Head", by Puddle of Mudd. Damn. That was a long time ago.

Mwahahahaha. A blog. And all for me. These people are gonna wish they'd never allowed me to register for a free (*cough--cheap--cough*) account.

...I'm gonna blog alla'yer brains out . More on that later.

(Hey!!...I just saw that....this place does NOT inquire about my present mood!!

..That blows!!

Hmph. I guess...I'll just have to say what that is, then [98% of the time, that will be "bitchy". Ahem. Take note. And start counting.]).

I love talking to myself.

Vain. Yes. So vain.

- Let's go, Raphael! I need my tuna now!! Mwahahahaha!!
- [*sigh*] Yes, G.

Mood: ...Refreshed. And hungry.