Monday, March 07, 2005


"Friendship is a single soul shared in two bodies."

Gotta remember that one.

Agh. My God. Being mediocre pays. Only in the good ol’ United States.

..Controversial enough statement to start a blog with on a Monday, ne?

But it’s the friggin truth. And I hate it. And that sucks.

I mean, being mediocre pays if you only care to be. As for me, well…goddammit, I can’t pull it off.

I can’t do a half-assed job. I’m cursed that way.

I always have to go that extra mile, if for nothing else than my own sake and peace of mind. And I can’t stop halfway. Why bother doing something like that? You’re there, you’re doing it, bah, well, might as well finish it and do a decent job while you’re at it. Right? RIGHT??

C’me on, people. Level with me here. Please. Sigh.

Okay, so I admit that I enjoy wreaking havoc on my brain and hands while I’m fumbling with those ugly variations on the trig functions. Yeh, I love it. But...Awh, who am I kidding? I don’t give a damn about anyone else but me. Good.

- - -

Augh. Only three more days to go till my mom’s birthday. I’m beyond stressed on that count.

She said she likes ‘em..

‘Calvin and Hobbes’?
Agh!! I wanna get ‘er a HOBBES plushie!!

Well, I want one for me, anyways ¬ ¬. . .

...I need money.

- - -


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Oh. My. God.

I want a Jared Leto, please. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease .

The guy is…augh, devastatingly beautiful. Handsome, I mean. Eh? Well, actually, he’s all of the above. I’m still not sure what color his eyes are. But they’re gorgeous. HE’S gorgeous. Num-num. Just look at the guy. Just...LOOK AT ‘IM!! LOOK AT HIM, FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!!!!

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..See? SEE??

...Granted...he must’ve been uncomfortable as >hell< BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

You know you’re dealing with a special type of hot guy if he looks good—that is, better than any woman you know—in mascara. And, far as I’m concerned, there’re only two guys like that on the surface of this greedy, grimy, green Earth: Jared Leto (plays Hephaestion in Alexander)...and, no, I’m not talking about Ozzy Osbourne...or Alice Cooper, either.

Beto Cuevas, people. He is the other unique god worthy of mascara

Needless to say, I’m waiting for Alexander to come out on DVD. Num-num.

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Friendship is a single soul shared in two bodies.

Auh... Image hosted by

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Where the hell...

..did my month go?? IS IT REALLY ALREADY MARCH??! AH, CRAP!!

That means I have to start searching for ma's birthday present. Again. Aw, man. Aw, crap. I suck at this. I have no idea. As usual.

Agh. This has got to stop. My allergies are positively killing me. Literally. Yesterday, on my way back to my parents' for something I forgot, I sneezed as I was arriving and I slashed the front-right tire with the side of the curb. Bad. Right there. Reaaaally bad.

Imagine if I'd been driving at my usual 90 mpH +. .

"90% of accidents happen near home." Yeah, no fucking kidding, genius.

Agh. Well, this marks the end of February. Snif. I wanted to write something pretty on and for the 28th.
. .Heh, I don't care! The creative urges are suffocating me here.


Oh, what a pleasant time, ethereal days

Now a distant memory, one remnant thing to say:

This marks the end to another winter's youth.


Thank you, thank you.

- I apologize to any and all Aquarian acquaintances offended. -

I mean, woof. Come on. It was a god-awful month, what with the usual Valentine's day candy, flowers (agh, allergic instigators, people :x), smoochies, fluffy stuff and what-not all around. SCREW YOU, SOCIETY!!

This means...


Agh. Let the moodiness prevail. Mwahaha.

- - -

On a different note, I've made the time to get back in touch and on track with my writing. I'd been neglecting the books for a long time. And now, to compensate, I'm persistingly having weird dreams and even weirder happenings during the waking hours. A little four-year old girl happened to succesfully freak me out : /.

- Why are you hiding?
- Hm?
- Why are you wearing a disguise?
- Huh?
- I like your hair and your wings.
- ! (WTF??!!)

...That one goes into the Hall of Memories Top Three. Easily. Damn.

Man. I need a new game for PS2 : . Alan's already almost done with Legend of Dragoon. Again.

I swear I'll someday gather the energy necessary to sit through the first ten minutes of the game, I swear XD.!!

Ahhhg...These allergies have got to go. And the only way I can manage to get them to subside is by going to sleep...and thus going to work in my dreams. My brain has no "off" button.

G, this has got to stop. Rafa, you've got your work cut out for you, my man.

Here's to you, March! Kaaannnpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai!! :D